Monday, June 18, 2012

Watch This: Nice Kickball Play and Deflection Catch

     I remember playing kickball as a kid in elementary school, but I don't remember anybody (myself included) being able to pull this off:

     If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a kickball. This guy does more than that. He plays 'just plain hard to get out'. The opponents's reaction is quite humorous as well, seeing how frusterated he was at his team for not being able to get the elusive runner out. But does it top this play?

     It certainly doesn't. Considering the odds of being able to pull off this volleyball circus catch, it has a strong case for being one of the best sports plays ever. Throw in the fact that baseball players at the high school level hit the ball much farther than a pop fly to the catcher and it makes the play even more unbelievable. Imagine if some MLB scouts were watching this video or even at the game...

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